Earn money from online just sharing your links. It’s very easy to convert a normal link into a paid link. Many times we are sharing links to our friend whether it may be a link of mp3 songs, link of photos, or link of you tube videos.
Some times we are interested in link of funny pictures or some times download of songs. but now you can make this link into a paid link. even many links we are sharing in social networks. but it is a good idea to make this link into a paid link.
linkbuck is one of the site where we can make a normal link into a paid link. now what you have to do is choose any kind of interesting link, like the link of hit songs in you tube, or link of mp3, or link of a funny picture whatever you are interested in which you think that it will also interest others. so copy that link and log in to linkbuck .There click on “create links” from the menu bar. It will then ask you for the link which you want to convert into a paid link and paste there. After that come to page content. here if your link is without porn or any kind of nudity then select clean (all ages). Then you can select ad type . Select intermission ads. Because these ads pay $1 for 1000 clicks. Then click generate links.
After that link buck will generate a link for you. That link is the paid link. now you can share that link to your friends and in social networks. If somebody will click that link then money will be credited to your account. social network like facebook,stumble upon, and also yahoo answer has ban banned the linkbuk link. but there is some tricks you have to follow in order to spread your linkbuck's link in facebook, stumble upon and also yahoo answer to get maximum traffic to your link. now sign up at linkbuck given below
After sign up you will receive a verification link to your email. just visit your email and click that verification link in order to activate your account.
step-1- copy your linkbuck link which you want to share in facebook, then go to url2it link shortening and paste it there, then url2it will generate a link for you. just give a look below
now your linkbuck link masked with url2it. the new link will look like- http://url2it.com/rgsr. so take this link and share it to your facebook friend, in your timeline, in your facebook fan page, and the facegroup you have joined. similarly you can share your link in others facebook fanpage. just like their page and put your link in their page. but do not spam their page. you can shrink the link related to their pages. and share in their pages. If you do not have any facebook page then create your facebook page and collect as many as like more than 5000 and then share your linkbuck link in your page. but one thing before you convert a normal link into paid link, you have to choose which link will go viral among people, eg--the link which contains funny picture, comedy videos, hit songs, most youtube viral videos, even you know which will go viral in facebook so pick up that link and shrink it in linkbuck again mask it in url2it then share it in facebook.
step- 2- If you have a twitter account then connect your twitter account with facebook account. In twitter you can directly share your linkbuck link which will automatically share in facebook. In twitter you have to follow many friends in order to get maximum hits to your link. remember one thing in India payout rate of linkbucks is very low. That means if you have shrinked a link with intermission ads then you will get $1 for every 2000 hits to your link. So how to get so many hits to your paid link. In twitter you can follow as many as friend possible and share a viral link eg-- something breaking news of a most popular movie star, otherwise in google find out the website which has more traffic, shrink it in linkbuck tweet it in tweeter with some attractive description. Then you will get more hits and also that link will automatically share in your facebook timeline as you have connected to it. In twitter i have seen most of adult link has gone viral with some attractive description. eg- how to satisfy a girl in bed or how to seduce a girl within 5 min. But its upto you, you have to follow the strategy to get maximum hit in order to earn money.
YOU TUBE METHOD to multiply your earning with link sharing.